Have you guys ever heard of these? After spending a few days tinkering with some programs, I've configured my laptop to swap from standard web browsing to completely anonymous web browsing with a single click. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)]Wiki article on Tor[/url]
Wiki article about Privoxy
It took a bit of configuring on linux, and I'm not sure what it's like under windows. Still, it could be useful to anyone who needs to get past any nasties when known proxies are blocked. It's a darknet - basically untraceable - and isn't commonly used in schools, so you might still be able to get through.
Tor and Privoxy can be found at these links.
Happy incognito surfing!
Added (2009-06-18, 1:25 Pm)
EDIT: Of course, you would need to have access to the schools wifi or something, as I doubt you could get it installed on school computers